The authority wants to dispose of Three Minsters House in High Street, formerly the base of the council’s architects department.
The council announced plans to get rid of the building last March but now it has published its intention of selling it between January 27 and April 30. No further details are available as the transaction is considered commercially confidential.
The authority employs fewer staff than in the past and post-Covid many of its people work from home.
READ MORE HERE: Hampshire County Council plans to sell three Winchester buildings
Three Minsters House has been owned by the council for decades. For many years until the 1950s it was the Winchester branch office of the Southern Daily Echo before it moved to Upper Brook Street, today the base for the Hampshire Chronicle.
The four-storey building, in part, may not remain as offices, as changes to the planning system make it easier for them to be converted into flats.
Last March, the council announced its plans to sell three buildings in Winchester. The other two are Four Chimneys Family Centre, near Andover Road and offices in Monarch Way near Kings’ School. Staff moved out of the building at the end of July.
Three Minsters House in Winchester. Image: Hampshire County Council (Image: Hampshire County Council) The sale is being conducted by Savills.
The-then council leader Rob Humby said: “We have always carefully monitored the use of our buildings to ensure they remain cost-effective, and to release savings whenever possible. We have been reviewing our office accommodation to understand the opportunities for further reductions, which will reduce recurring revenue costs and ensure the way we work remains efficient and effective.
“It is vitally important that people can access public services near to where they live, and it’s crucial we maintain good public access where it’s needed. But when it comes to the functions that are delivered ‘behind the scenes’ in our offices, it makes sense to look at how these spaces fit our future needs.
“We are keeping our staff, who are located in these buildings, regularly informed as plans progress. We always ensure relocations are made with minimal disruption to local services or to our residents.”