Voters are being reminded of the election rules before they take to the polls in the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner election tomorrow (May 2).
Polling stations will be open between 7am and 10pm but a valid photo ID is required by law and must be provided to polling station staff before voting.
Accepted ID includes: an European Economic Area (EEA) or Commonwealth passport, concessionary travel passes such as an older person’s bus pass or Oyster 60+.
Expired ID is also acceptable if the photo is still recognisable as the voter.
A Resident Advantage Card however, will not be accepted for voting.
Postal voters or those voting by proxy do not need to provide photo ID but the proxy will need to have theirs available at the polling station.
For a full list of accepted ID visit the electoral commission’s website.
There are also new rules on postal and proxy voting for this election.
A proxy can only vote on behalf of two people living in the UK – not including themselves.
They can also vote on behalf of up to four people including those living overseas, but only two can be based in the UK.
Postal voters who have not returned their pack can still hand it in at the polling station or town hall during its opening hours.
They will also need to complete an additional form to be eligible to vote.
The council will not accept postal votes left in council letterboxes or at libraries.
A postal voter can only hand in their own postal vote and the votes of up to five people at the polling station or Town Hall.
To find out your polling station visit the Royal Borough’s website. You can also find out your borough ward using the council’s neighbourhood map.
For a full list of accepted ID visit the electoral commission’s website.
The PCC is the elected representative for policing who is in charge of setting the police force’s budget, it’s overall policing strategy and choosing its top officer – the chief constable.
This year, there will be five candidates on the ballot paper:
– Matthew Barber (Conservative)
– Tim Starkey (Labour)
– Tim Bearder (Lib Dem)
– Ben Holden-Crowther (More Police Officers, independent)
– Russell Douglas Fowler (Independent).
Click here to find out more about your candidates.