Sandra Gidley: ‘Major changes ahead for Test Valley Borough Council’

This is also being linked with a desire to change the face of local government. Hampshire County Council will not exist and neither will Test Valley Borough Council. The government wants to merge councils in order to form Unitary Authorities which manage all council services for a population of at least 500,000 people.

Hence, many people involved in local government have been somewhat distracted over the festive season by trying to work out what the “best fit” will be.

In fact, the timetables for decision making are so tight that expressions of interest have to be lodged with the government by January 10 and the County Councillors will be meeting on  January 6 to determine the way forward.

The recommendations are that the County Council will try to join the Devolution Priority Programme and create a Combined Authority comprising HCC, Portsmouth and Southampton City Councils and the Isle of Wight Council.

A knock-on consequence of this is that HCC will have to submit Local Government Reorganisation plans by Autumn 2025. It is not at all clear where that leaves Test Valley Borough Council. We could end up being lumped in with Southampton and the New Forest or maybe even combined Winchester and another Council. There are certainly a lot of councillors currently playing with spread sheets, trying to work it all out.

Oh, and if we are included on the Government’s priority list then the County Council elections planned for May could be delayed.

So, whilst we are all getting very excited about this I have a sneaking suspicion that for many members of the public they don’t really care as long as the bins are emptied, the roads are in good repair and the services they require work smoothly. That said, I can’t help feeling that being combined with Southampton isn’t a natural fit.

So, let me know what you think about it all, and in the meantime I will turn my immediate focus on deciding my New Year resolutions and what I can personally control. Having seen far too many friends become frail and suffer poor health over the last year or so, my main aim will be to improve my diet and resume the exercise regime which went to pot towards the end of last year. In the meantime, I wish you happiness and all the very best for your resolutions for 2025.

Sandra Gidley

Test Valley Borough Councillor

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