Anthony Lansdowne’s debut is Charlie McGhee and Mischievous Pea, which follows the titular boy as he goes on an adventure after a runaway pea escapes from his dinner plate. The book has been illustrated by Steph Breen.
The 25-year-old said that he came up with the idea for the book a few years ago while he was working in a preschool.
He said: “I work in the early-years sector, so I did my degree in early childhood welfare and education. I’ve worked in a pre-school for about four years, I now work at an early years consultancy.
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“It was when I was working in the preschool; to put it politely, I went to the toilet and then came out with the title and thought ‘Oh, that could be a really good title’, and wrote it in my notes and two years later I decided to make something of it.
“I started off thinking ‘I could probably be a kid’s author’, I’ve always liked English and studied it as a subject at college. I tried to go a little too deep and meaningful at first, thinking ‘Oh, I could do a really good idea about this, or a really good idea about that’. And then I realised that, when you’re in the professional side of early years, you spend so much time looking at the deeper issues, which are good to discuss, but also I think it is important for a kid’s book to be fun. There doesn’t need to be a deeper meaning necessarily, the whole point of being a child is letting your imagination run wild. I wanted to make something that is a fun little book that makes children laugh and sort of, I’m sure parents might not like it, but play with their food a bit and let their imaginations run wild a little bit.”
Anthony said it feels “kind of surreal” to now be a published author, saying: “I must have finished writing it about four years ago, and I’ve spent so long trying to find an illustrator who matched my vibe, or if they didn’t match my vibe within the budget. I finally found someone, and getting the first book out there you just feel like ‘Oh, I’ve done it! It’s actually happened!’
Charlie McGhee and the Mischievous Pea (Image: Anthony Lansdowne) SEE ALSO: Look inside this stunning North Baddesley home, on the market for £850,000
“And, bear in mind I’m just some guy in Romsey, I’ve lived in Lyndhurst my whole life, I’ve managed to sell about 50 to 60 copies already, which is great because I couldn’t tell you 50 to 60 people. It’s clearly reached more than my family, which is always a bonus.”
While Anthony’s book was initially self-published on Amazon, he is now working with a publisher to bring it to more marketplaces.
He continued: “I’ve gone a bit all out with this one. If it takes off, I can start thinking about a second book.”