Emma Burke, a dedicated mother and business entrepreneur from Dorset and now living in Ringwood, is set to make an appearance in the first episode of the new series of the popular BBC One’s Dragons’ Den.
The programme, which will air on Thursday, January 9, also features an exciting guest Dragon – Joe Wicks.
Emma, whose passion for grassroots sports and family life inspires her business, shares her journey and showcases her innovative product designed to solve a common problem faced by young athletes on the field.
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As a parent of two football-mad sons, Emma is all too familiar with the challenges of keeping laces in place during games.
Motivated to find a solution, she developed Laceeze Bands—a simple yet effective product designed to prevent laces from coming undone during sports activities like football and rugby.
Her product, a simple yet innovative premium silicone band with a ribbed, patented design was created to secure laces and ensure uninterrupted play.
What began as a small-scale endeavour has grown into a flourishing enterprise, resonating with parents, coaches and young athletes across the world.
Emma’s pitch offers a glimpse into her mission to simplify sports for children while supporting their confidence on the field. Her journey from a sideline startup to a globally recognised sports accessory brand exemplifies the dedication and ingenuity of her mission.
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In this episode, viewers will witness Emma’s passion for youth sports and her drive to bring practical solutions to families. While the outcome of her pitch remains under wraps, her appearance demonstrates the innovation potential born out of a personal mission.
Emma reflects on her experience: “Stepping into the Den was a nerve-wracking yet exhilarating opportunity to share my story and vision with such high-profile and influential investors. It’s a moment I’ll never forget.”
Since the company was launched in 2017, the brand has gained traction within grassroots sports communities.
Emma is passionate about promoting youth participation in sports and supporting parents with practical, affordable solutions and the product range has now extended from her innovative bands to many other sports accessories for children.
The programme airs on BBC One on Thursday, January 9.