Purford Green Primary School highly praised by Ofsted

DURING the 26th and 27th of November Purford Green Primary School and Nursery were visited by OFSTED. They found a school that is overwhelmingly supported by parents with comments such as ‘a fantastic school where staff put the needs of the child at the heart of all they do’.

The school opened its own Nursery in September 2023, which along with the Reception class, provide a strong start for its youngest pupils, with carefully designed approaches to help children learn throughout EYFS so they are well prepared for Year 1. 

The inspection saw the school works hard to prepare children for life beyond school with the specially designed life skills and experiences curriculum – providing children with everything they need to be successful throughout their life 

The inspection also recognised the schools work on promoting pupil mental health and well being and the lengths it goes to, to help pupils look after themselves within a caring enveloping culture. 

Emma Bloomfield (Executive Headteacher) said:

‘We’re really pleased that the inspector recognised all the work we have done over the last 5 years to develop support for our children’s personal development and well being. It’s clear from the comments the inspector made, that this element of our school shines through.

“Being at the heart of our community is a key aspect of our work, so to hear that our parent comments to OFSTED were some of the most positive the inspector has ever heard filled us with pride.’

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.yourharlow.com/2025/01/07/purford-green-primary-school-highly-praised-by-ofsted/