Proposals launched for solar farm in Kenardington, Ashford the size of 68 football pitches

Plans are in the works for a solar farm the size of 68 football pitches on the edge of a village.

Green energy firm Quintas Cleantech has put forward a screening opinion request for 120 acres to the north of Appledore Road in Kenardington, Ashford, which determines whether an environmental impact assessment is needed.

Quintas Cleantech has put forward a proposal for the 120-acre solar farm in Kenardington, Ashford

The fields, which have been classified as grade three, meaning they are of good to moderate quality, also border two ancient woodlands; Southroad Wood to the north east and Pond Wood to the south.

Supporting documents submitted by development consultancy firm Pegasus Group state: “The site is located on agricultural land, and no historic uses indicate any form of contamination, and once operational, there will be no unusual risks to human health. The development relies on well-established, safe, modern technology.”

“The location of the proposed development provides an opportunity to enhance biodiversity and strengthen ecological networks through additional on-site planting and using soft landscape design that endeavours to create new habitats suitable for native species.”

The firm admits that while during construction there could be the usual “nuisance” that comes with building work, these “activities are anticipated to be short-term, limited in scale and would be appropriately controlled.”

The site could produce 35 Megawatts (MW) of power and would be connected via underground cabling to the Ruckinge Grid substation in Hamstreet.

The proposed solar farm in Kenardington, near Ashford, would be the size of 68 football pitches if approved

The site would be operational for 40 years, after which it will be removed, and the ground will be returned to its original use.

An access route is yet to be confirmed but will likely use existing points along either the B2067 or Appledore Road, with an internal track provided through the site to connect the parcels of land.

It is currently unknown when a formal planning application for the Kenardington facility will be submitted, but its proposed construction would take about nine months.

A screening opinion is one of the first stages for planning major projects.

Nearby, the 7mw facility, Place Farm Solar Park, has been in place for nearly ten years.

Place Farm Solar Park would neighbour the 120-acre development by Quintas Cleantech

Find out about planning applications that affect you by visiting the Public Notice Portal.

Last year, consultations were held over proposals for the largest solar farm ever proposed for Kent, which could generate enough power for 20% of homes in the county.

Energy firm Low Carbon revealed plans for a 500 MW facility on Romney Marsh. If built, it would produce enough electricity for 140,000 properties.

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