An application for the erection of a lifetime dwelling on garden land behind Fairfield House, Ashford Hill Road, has been submitted to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC).
The proposal seeks to obtain full planning permission to create the building on garden land which was recently confirmed through a Certificate of Lawfulness.
A traditional-looking, two- storey, three-bedroom dwelling is proposed, complete with down stairs facilities for an accessible bedroom as required.
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How the house could look (Image: Frank Dowling/BDBC)
According to a planning statement, prepared by Lasseter Downie Planning on behalf of Mr and Mrs R Wilson, the proposal “draws inspiration from surrounding properties, using traditional features such as timber casement doors and windows, plain clay roof tiles and red/brown bricks.
“Its proportions and scale are consistent with the existing setting and its design makes reference to the surrounding rural character.”
The application also includes space for bin and cycle storage, utilising an existing shed, together with a hardstanding for turning and manoeuvring.
A private garden area would be provided at the rear with further garden/amenity land to the side of the proposed dwelling.
The ground floor would be all at the same level, ensuring easy access and movement by wheelchair. Three bedrooms are proposed on the first floor with an additional bedroom and en-suite bathroom on the ground floor.
The design of the proposed dwelling is of a “modest” traditional brick and plain clay tile dwelling, which would be sited in the center of the plot with the front elevation facing north west towards Riddings Lane.
According to Frank Downling, conservation and design consultant, provision can “readily be made” within the site for a minimum of three car parking spaces and turning to enable vehicles to enter and leave the site in forward gear.
The siting, design, materials and details of this scheme, have been “carefully considered” in relation to the rural character of the area, the setting of nearby buildings and the appearance of other existing historic and vernacular buildings in the wider area.
Readers can view and comment on the full planning applications by visiting the BDBC planning portal and searching: 24/02855/FUL|Erection of a lifetime dwelling on garden land.