Peak period Warrington swing bridge opening figures revealed

The three swing bridges in the town cross the Manchester Ship Canal.

Peel Ports owns the bridges – which are situated on Chester Road, London Road and Knutsford Road.

For quarter one in 2024, from January to March, the figures show the swing bridge openings during the ‘pre/post peak’ time totalled nine. This also totalled nine, in the same period, in 2023.

But during the ‘peak’ time for quarter one 2024, from January to March, the swing bridge openings totalled nine. This totalled five, in the same period, in 2023.

For quarter two 2024, from April to June, the swing bridge openings during the ‘pre/post peak’ time totalled 12. This totalled 19, in the same period, in 2023.

But for quarter two 2024, from April to June, the swing bridge openings during the ‘peak’ time totalled seven in 2024. This totalled nine, in the same period, in 2023.

For quarter three in 2024, from July to September, the swing bridge openings during the ‘pre/post peak’ time totalled four. This totalled 11, in the same period, in 2023.

And during the ‘peak’ time for quarter three in 2024, from July to September, the swing bridge openings totalled five. This totalled 10, in the same period, in 2023.

The ‘peak’ time is 7.30am to 9.30am Monday to Thursday, and 4.30pm to 6.30pm Monday to Thursday – as well as 7.30am to 9.30am on Friday, and 3.30pm to 6.30pm on Friday.

The ‘pre/post peak time’ includes 7am to 7.30am Monday to Thursday, 9.30am to 10am Monday to Thursday, 7am to 7.30am on Friday, 9.30am to 10am on Friday – and also 12pm to 1pm Monday to Thursday, and 3.30pm to 4.30pm Monday to Thursday, 12pm to 1pm on Friday, and 2.30pm to 3.30pm on Friday.

The council has issued a statement.

A spokesman said: “All bridge swings are recorded on our website following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in 2014 between us and Peel Ports. The bridge swings are categorised into peak (red), pre/post peak (amber) and off peak / night (green) periods.

 “Peel Ports are committed to minimise the numbers of peak period bridge swings, keeping them under 100 occasions per annum. We are confident they have done that and are continuing to do so as numbers have remained consistently low.”

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