NHS Ayrshire and Arran issues tattoo warning to public

The public health team is working with environmental health in East, North, and South Ayrshire to highlight the dangers of tattoos done by untrained and unlicensed individuals.

Sally Amor, public health consultant, said: “Tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly so for young people.

“However, there are risks associated with getting a tattoo. These increase when the person undertaking the tattoo has not been trained and is not licensed.”

Decorative tattoos involve injecting pigments or dyes into the skin, which can cause allergic reactions, redness, itching, and swelling.

This can also lead to skin infections, swollen glands, and general ill health.

The use of unclean or shared needles increases the risk of contracting life-changing blood-borne viruses.

A licensed tattoo artist will have the appropriate training and skills to reduce skin trauma, which can increase the risk of infection.

They will also have clear hygiene policies and provide aftercare advice.

The legal age for getting a tattoo is 18 years and those who tattoo individuals under this age risk police involvement and action from environmental health teams.

Sally added: “We know that some people – particularly young people – might not be fully aware of the risk of infection before getting a tattoo.

“So, if you are considering a tattoo, know the risks and do your homework.

“Make sure you go to a trained and licensed tattoo artist to ensure a safe and positive experience of getting a tattoo.”

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.ayradvertiser.com/news/24840954.nhs-ayrshire-arran-issues-tattoo-warning-public/?ref=rss