More than a hundred people – many in fancy dress – chose a chilly way to start new year’s day.
They took up Anglian Water’s offer of a morning dip in Rutland Water, an event advertised with the words ‘wetsuits are highly recommended’.
Yet many brave souls stripped down to trunks and swimsuits and took the plunge at Whitwell Harbour.
A colourful crowd. Photo: Chris Lowndes
Open to those aged 16 years or more, the memorable way to start 2025 proved a big attraction, with people coming from far and wide to spend up to an hour in the water.
And after soaking up the benefits of open water swimming, they then had the opportunity to warm up with a hot drink.
The annual event is organised by Anglian Water, which owns the reservoir.
Huddling was a good way to keep warm. Photo: Chris LowndesDarren Gillings took an inflatable crocodile with him. Photo: Chris LowndesDipping a toe in first… Photo: Chris LowndesAnd they’re off! Photo: Chris LowndesThe first few minutes are the worst. Photo: Chris LowndesThe Rutland Belle could be seen in the harbour. Photo: Chris LowndesMaking the most of their hour in the water. Photo: Chris LowndesSome looked completely unbothered by the temperature. Photo: Chris LowndesCold water is said to bring health benefits. Photo: Chris LowndesHat… gloves… wetsuit. Photo: Chris LowndesIt didn’t take long for people to get used to the temperature. Photo: Chris LowndesThe event has become popular, although many might not understand why. Photo: Chris LowndesMany of the dippers had fun with fancy dress. Photo: Chris LowndesWill you be there next year? Photo: Chris LowndesThere was no getting in slowly for these guys. Photo: Chris LowndesStarting the year with a memorable experience. Photo: Chris LowndesSanta hats were one way to keep warm. Photo: Chris LowndesThese three wrapped up well for their dip. Photo: Chris LowndesCamaraderie helped. Photo: Chris LowndesWrapped up after the experience. Photo: Chris LowndesAlison Amps, Faye Chamtrell and Emily Gaunt warm up after their dip. Photo: Chris LowndesCelebrating with a (hot) drink afterwards. Photo: Chris LowndesHaving fun on the shore. Photo: Chris Lowndes
Photos from this event and others taken by our photographers are available at
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