Bishop’s Sutton
24/02811/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Conversion of garage/stable/barn into additional dining area, including new openings. Link extension/connection between rear of building and garage/stable/barn. Internal alterations and refurbishment. External redecoration. Replacement signage and external lighting. Re-surfacing car park and stopping up eastern vehicle access. Alterations to garden area, The Ship Inn, Bishop’s Sutton Road.
24/02813/AVC, Applicant name withheld, Replacement signage and external lighting, The Ship Inn, Bishop’s Sutton Road.
Colden Common
24/02809/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Retrospective permission for a timber-clad extension to the kitchen to the rear of the Rising Sun, The Rising Sun, 27 Spring Lane.
24/02824/FUL, Applicant name withheld, The change of use of rooms within the basement to create 2 residential flats, including the creation of 4 ‘light wells’ and addition of new windows, Fishers Court, 186 Main Road.
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24/02486/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Dropped kerb, St Faiths, Hambledon Road.
Headbourne Worthy
24/02726/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Erection of new first floor accommodation with new dormers and rooflights over existing ground floor layout and the erection of a new detached double garage and carport with room over, Ro-Mar-Ed, Mortimer Close.
24/02751/HOU, Applicant name withheld, New two storey extension and associated external works, Headlands, School Lane.
24/02817/LIS, Applicant name withheld, Stabilisation of historic wall framing, Pudding Farmhouse, Pudding Farm, Pudding Lane.
24/02727/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Hursley Masonic Hall, Main Road.
24/02729/HOU, Applicant name withheld, single storey swimming poll extension, Hursley Court, Main Road.
24/02732/HOU, Applicant name withheld, new porch, single storey rear extension and pergola. Replacement of outbuilding (garage/workshop), driveway ground surface and garden gates. Full glazing replacement. Installation of replacement external pool, Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP), solar panels and roof lights; Construction of first floor rear Juliett balcony. New structural openings (doors and windows), new and retained roof tiles and hanging tiles, timber cladding, 3 South End Close.
24/02753/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Phoenix Cottage, 93 Main Road.
24/02785/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Demolition of outbuilding, extensions to side, rear and first floor of existing dwelling and erection of attached carport and boundary wall, Whitebeams, Enmill Lane.
24/02799/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Little King Cottage, 18 Port Lane.
25/00005/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Police House, Main Road.
Kings Worthy
24/02744/HOU, Applicant name withheld, internal alterations to create a disabled bedroom, formation of new window on the rear elevation, 1 Burnet Lane.
24/02771/HOU, Applicant name withheld, First floor extension, partial conversion of the garage, and fenestration alterations, 11 Cedarwood.
24/02792/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Single storey side extension to replace existing garage, 8 Mountbatten Place.
25/00008/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Part single storey and part two storey extensions and alterations to dwelling, Century House, Springvale Avenue.
Littleton and Harestock
24/02692/LDP / 24/02700/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Proposed single storey side extension, Elcarim, 49 Main Road.
24/02748/HOU, Applicant name withheld, two-storey rear and side extension, single storey rear extension, new build outbuilding, Glendale, 3 Main Road.
24/02641/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Construction of detached double garage, Dunley Den, Vicarage Lane.
24/02720/LIS, Applicant name withheld, The work entails repair work to objections of the ceiling beams in the ground floor living room. The subject beams are no longer sufficiently joined so as to provide structural support to the first floor bathroom above. The beam will be left in situ but reconnected by means of a bespoke black painted steel bracket. The surrounding plasterboards ceiling will be repaired as may be necessary, Baileys End, 42 – 43 East Stratton.
24/02738/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Rear/side extension, velux windows to front and side elevations, porch & wood burner flue, Keldcroft, Hawthorn Close.
New Alresford
24/02745/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Spring House, 21 Mill Hill.
24/02762/HOU / 24/02763/LIS, Applicant name withheld, Part single, part two-storey extension, fenestration changes, minor internal and repair works, Wykeham House, 11 Mill Hill.
24/02659/REM, Applicant name withheld, Reserved Matters Applications for development within Berewood Phase 12 Comprising 92 dwellings in total with associated amenity space, access, garages, parking internal road, pathways, and associated landscaping (matters of layout, appearance, access, landscape, and scale) pursuant to application ref: WCC/02862/OUT, Berewood Phase 1, Hambledon Road.
24/02749/HOU, Applicant name withheld, two-storey rear extension, along with removal of the existing main roof, build up ground floor walls to create full height first floor accommodation, along with the addition of a new roof for storage. All existing windows and external doors to be replaced with new, all walls to be rendered. Create a front entrance porch, internal alterations throughout, Ravenswold, Swarraton.
24/02784/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Single storey rear extension with internal alterations, Cherry Tree Cottage, 73 Northington Hill.
Old Alresford
24/02768/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Drovers Return, Basingstoke Road.
Oliver’s Battery
24/02529/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Conversion of 50 per cent of the existing garage into a utility room with internal alterations, 17 Austen Avenue.
24/02756/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Oakwood House, Oakwood Close.
24/02736/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Rear extension, Middle Barn, The Tree Nursery, Sandy Lane.
25/00003/LDP, Applicant name withheld, Siting of a mobile home for ancillary use to the main dwellinghouse, The Brambles, Little Bull Lane.
South Wonston
24/02810/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Fit two roof windows in loft space as part of loft conversion, Applewood Heights, Lower Road.
24/02757/LIS, Applicant name withheld, Internal redecoration and application of decorative features to some existing spaces within the hotel, Lainston House Hotel, Stockbridge Road.
24/02558/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Demolition of existing (Use Class C3) converted barn, caravan, agricultural building and the erection of three detached dwellinghouses with associated hard and soft landscaping; package treatment plant, Oak Meadow, Bishops Wood Road.
24/02770/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Dorthwaite House, 1 Donigers Dell.
Wickham and Knowle
24/02695/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Demolition of Existing Wickham Sport Pavilion and Replacement Building FA Compliant Sport Pavilion, Recreation Ground, Fareham Road.
24/02741/LIS, Applicant name withheld, Patch render repairs to the main front elevation where the lime render has debonded, Little Park Mansions, Titchfield Lane.
24/02782/LIS, Applicant name withheld, Cut back the plaster finish to a height of 1m to Treatment Room 1, the entrance hallway and the short section of wall to the back of the reception desk. Inject a liquid DPC to the identified areas of walls before making good the plaster using a renovating plaster, 4A The Square.
24/02818/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Erection of Battery Energy Storage Facility including creation of new vehicular access along with landscaping and all associated engineering works, Land adjacent Titchfield Lane.
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24/02301/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Varitation of condition 2 and 3 of application 22/00476/HOU, change of roof covering material to slate tiles, change position of existing window from west elevation to north elevation, Lister’s Corner, Stoney Lane, Weeke.
24/02538/HOU / 24/02539/LIS, Applicant name withheld, Raising level changes in the rear range within ground and first floor; conversion of first floor room to an en-suite including internally insulate north and west facing walls and relocate window; single-storey side and replacement rear extension; new WC and hall by subdividing living room; relocating front door and window; raising external ground level to rear patio; removal of internal door to create opening between dining room and main staircase; cornicing and skirting; upgrade ground floor windows, 11 St James Villas.
24/02797/LIS, Applicant name withheld, Proposed refurbishment to Housemaster’s accommodation within Chernocke House. Ground Floor – No material change to building fabric First Floor creation of ensuite shower room, form new utility room and enlarge bathroom. Second Floor create large bathroom from ExtG utility SC and Bathroom accommodation, Housemasters Accommodation, Chernocke House, St Cross Road.
24/02730/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 39 Hampton Lane.
24/02733/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, The Log Cabin, Stockbridge Road, Fulflood.
24/02735/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 31 Christchurch Road.
24/02752/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Demolition of the existing detached garage and construction of a two storey side extension, 40 St Cross Road.
24/02764/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Kingdons Yard, Parchment Street.
24/02765/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 10 Rosewarne Court.
24/02769/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 17 Back Street, St Cross.
24/02775/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Street Record, Friary Gardens.
24/02788/FUL / 24/02789/LIS, Applicant name withheld, Internal refurbishment and update of first floor apartment layout, 43 Peninsula Square.
24/02790/TPC, Applicant name withheld, 3 St Cross Court, Kingsgate Road.
24/02793/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, The Wirral, 28 Christchurch Road.
24/02808/LDP, Applicant name withheld, Proposed loft conversion with rear dormer window, 9 Cheriton Road, Fulflood.
24/02814/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 3 Clifton Road, Oram’s Arbour.
24/02823/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Erection of a single storey rear extension with flat roof and creation of an enclosed front porch with pitched slate roof, 4 Step Terrace.
24/02826/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Erection of a single storey extension to side of property following demolition of garage and garden room, 114 Teg Down Meads.