AG Blue (Cheshire) Limited wants to site the 61 eco-lodges on land near the existing Kilton Inn and Hotel on Warrington Road at Mere.
The proposal also includes a farm shop and post office to serve the development and local community, solar farm, parking and public amenity space.
The pub and hotel will be retained as part of the scheme.
The application should have been considered in November, according to the council’s website, but is yet to be determined.
AG Blue says the scheme is needed to save the historic pub from closure.
A design and access statement submitted by Baldwin Design Consultancy Limited on behalf of the applicant states: “To ensure the viability of this historic establishment, the proposed scheme aims to enhance footfall and trade volume.
“Plans include adding 61 holiday lodges, along with a farm shop and post office, to restore local amenities and stimulate economic growth and tourism, thereby generating employment opportunities in the area.”
How the lodges could look at the proposed development (Image: Baldwin Design Consultancy Limited) At the time of writing, about half the people who have submitted comments on the planning portal are opposed to the proposal and about half are in favour.
Mere Parish Council says it strongly objects to the application ‘as it is considered to be a gross inappropriate development in Mere and the greenbelt’.
Another objector has urged Cheshire East to refuse the ‘outrageous and nonsensical proposal’ stating: “This is an obscene planning proposal for ‘greenbelt’ land which would destroy a beautiful rural location, its abundant wildlife including rare bats, and birds.
“It would cause traffic chaos, extra pollution, noise and light pollution.”
Another, who is opposed to the scheme, said: “This is a very quiet little hamlet to live in, that’s why we live here, we do not want to live next door to a campsite.”
But others support the proposal.
One said: “This pub is clearly struggling as are many.
“I believe that the proposed planning application would support this pub and bring it back to life.”
Another stated: “The proposals should be supported and the plans approved not only for employment benefits, tourism and to provide a lifeline for the viability of maintaining this historical venue but also for the wider benefits of a much-needed local farm shop for Mere residents and post office counter which we used to have before it was lost to new build housing.”
Another supporter said: “I feel it’s very important that Mere retains a public house, as the Swan has now gone.
“I think this proposal is a unique idea that will attract people into the area and offer the pub some much needed custom.”
The application, number 24/2950M, can be viewed on the planning portal on Cheshire East Council’s website.