Musk, the owner of Twitter/X, shared a thread on social media about Kriss Donald who at the age of 15 was tortured and killed for being white. One of his killers was the first person in Scotland to be convicted of a racially-motivated murder.
Sharing a post about the 2004 killing, which took place in Glasgow, Musk said: “First time I’ve heard of this.”
The original thread noted that the men involved in Donald’s murder were Pakistanis but did not mention that some member of the gang responsible fled to the country after the crime.
The former first minister shared Musk’s post, adding: “Let me also be the first to tell you that it was a Scottish-Pakistani MP at the time, Mohammad Sarwar, who travelled to Pakistan to ensure Kriss Donald’s evil killers were extradited back to Scotland to face the full force of the law.”
Sarwar (above), father of Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar, is a Pakistani citizen and lobbied the then-president Pervez Musharraf to authorise a one-off deal with the UK because the Asian country does not have an extradition treaty with Britain.
In the end, the three men returned voluntarily after initially opposing the extradition order.
READ MORE: ‘Nigel Farage doesn’t have what it takes to lead Reform UK,’ says Elon Musk
Imran Shahid, the ringleader of the gang, was said to have been motivated to kill Donald after being attacked on a night out in Glasgow the evening before he and his friends kidnapped the teenager.
He was said to have blamed “Boys from McCulloch Street” and demanded to know which “white bastards” had glassed him at Victoria’s nightclub.
Donald (above) was abducted by the gang of five and taken on a 200-mile round trip in the rear footwell of a car before being stabbed repeatedly stabbed then doused in petrol and burnt to death.
Musk’s intervention on the now 20-year-old story of the Glasgow schoolboy’s death marks his latest comment on UK politics, after high-profile attacks on Labour – accusing them of being soft on Asian grooming gangs in England – and an apparent falling out with Reform UK leader Nigel Farage.
It appears Farage angered the tycoon – who was said to be planning a $100 million donation to Reform – by failing to back his calls for far-right thug Tommy Robinson to be released from prison, where he is serving time for contempt of court.