Sarah Handley, who represented Great Britain in canoeing, is introducing Nia, a globally recognised somatic barefoot movement practice, to the city.
Handley, who is no stranger to body conditioning, discovered Nia earlier this year and has since completed teacher training in Scotland, earning a white belt.
She said: “Nia is great for helping people get out of their heads and back into their bodies and so aids relaxation and supports people experiencing burnout, anxiety and for de-stressing.
“We move barefoot to help us ground and move freely within space.
“It’s nothing like the aerobics classes I’ve been to where you need to remember all the steps and follow the teacher.
“Nia is about listening to yourself and your body and letting go of self-judgement and worries.”
The first class will be a free taster session on Saturday, January 11, at 9.30am at Whittington Community Hall.
This event is open to people living in the area who wish to experience Nia for the first time.
There are limited places available for the free taster session, and advance booking is essential.
Anyone interested in taking part are asked to email for the booking link.