Developer seeks approval for ‘reserved matters’ at 29 dwelling site

The application seeks approval of reserved matters, including the layout, scale and appearance of 29 consented dwellings at Pure 8 Tyre Tech Limited, Ashfield Sawmill, Southampton Road.

It also seeks the discharge of conditions six and 13 on the outline consent relating to contamination and a Construction and Environmental Management Plan.

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(Image: ACLA Limited) In the conclusion to the report, the case officer, Katie Nethersole, said: “Outline planning permission has been granted at this site for residential development, with this reserved matters application seeking to provide an acceptable form of development with respect to layout, appearance and landscape.

“Following an assessment undertaken above, it is considered that the proposed scheme is an acceptable form of development for reserved matters approval.”

Outline planning permission was granted in 2020 for the cessation of the use of the tyre recycling depot (waste transfer station) and the construction of 29 dwellings with all matters reserved except access.

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The site was previously used for the recycling, shredding, granulating and bailing of waste materials (tyres) and was first granted in April 2008 – this use was discontinued and it was more recently used as storage of waste tyres.

The site is accessed directly from the A3057 on its western boundary, with open countryside to the north and east with a wooded area, known as Ashfield Copse, to the south.

Romsey Town Council previously objected to the application. It said: “The proposed dwellings are too urban and unsympathetic and 2.5/3 floor buildings are not appropriate for this countryside location. Insufficient parking is provided on-site.

“No pedestrian footpath or cycleway access. No biodiversity net gain provided. Too many dwellings for the site. Concern about the access onto the A3057.”

There have been no letters from the public.

The planning report said the appearance of the proposed development would complement and respect the rural character of the area.

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