Developer ‘encouraged’ by response to plan for 70 new homes in Stratford

ORBIT Homes have been encouraged by the early responses to their plans to build 70 new affordable homes in Stratford.

The housing group, in association with Grevayne Properties, are looking at the development potential of the field next to the Saltway Centre in Alcester Road and presented their proposals at a public exhibition in Stratford Town Hall on Wednesday, 11th December.

An Orbit spokesperson said afterwards: “We would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend our public exhibition in partnership with Grevayne Properties to view our proposed plans to provide more affordable homes to help meet local housing need in Stratford under the Local Needs Policy.

“The event provided a good opportunity to hear feedback and answer any questions regarding the proposed scheme, and it was encouraging to see many of the attendees recognise the benefits that a high-quality, energy-efficient and affordable development can offer those in the local area.

The concept plan from Orbit. No planning permission has yet been applied for.

“We are committed to working in partnership with the local authority, Stratford Town Council and the surrounding community to design a development that meets the unmet housing needs of local people as identified in the most recent Stratford Town Council Housing Needs Survey and encourage anyone who wasn’t able to attend the event to share their thoughts with us via AlcesterRoad-Stratford @ before the consultation closes on 6th January.”

The new proposals are for one-, two- and three-bedroom houses and bungalows with the south of the site providing a public open space between the development and Shottery.

In 2016, Grevayne Properties were refused permission by Stratford District Council for 57 properties on the site on the grounds that it was outside the built-up boundary of Stratford, was a historic ridge-and-furrow field, was contrary to the council’s 2011-31 core strategy and did not provide homes of sufficiently high quality design.

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