Demand for Darlington special needs support increases

Assessment requests increased by 13.5 per cent in December 2023 compared to the same period in December 2022, according to the latest figures. The largest growth was among the under-five and post-16/18 age groups. 

All local specialist provision in Darlington is currently at capacity after an increase in the number of pupils with SEND, particularly those with education, health, and care plans (EHCP).

A new strategy to improve support and standards for children with SEND is in the process of being implemented and covers the council’s provision between 2025-29. It includes five key areas to support children and young people.

It is hoped the new approach will encourage a more effective pathway into adulthood and enable young people to build on life skills and support the five key aspirations:

  • Being as healthy as possible
  • Having a good education, training and opportunities
  •  Family, Friends and Relationships
  • Into Adulthood towards independence
  • Darlington – our town, community and environment 

Nick Wallis, council cabinet member for children and young people, said the local authority continually works with families and carers to provide support.

He added: “I am really pleased about the plan we have set out. This strategy looks at the five areas that are crucial to help children and young people towards adulthood.”

A council report read: “The Darlington Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy 2025–2029 describes the partners’ collective vision and aspirations for children and young people with special educational needs and provides a framework for partners to collaborate to deliver shared priorities for the next four years and sets out how they will be implemented.”

An extensive engagement exercise has been undertaken with young people in early years, primary, secondary, further education, and specialist settings to ensure that young people’s priorities have shaped their development. 

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The report added: “In developing this strategy, what is important to children and young people and what they want to do and achieve in their lives now, and in the future, has been considered. 

“The vision for SEND is ambitious and aspirational, it stretches beyond the boundaries of the Local Authority to all partners and children and young people with SEND, with or without an EHCP.”

A public consultation on the draft strategy was held in 2024 and the findings will soon be revealed and presented to the council in due course. A final decision on approving the strategy is expected later this year. 

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