Each year, some of us are privileged to join the bell-ringers in the ringing chamber.
This is something of an adventure, involving climbing a long spiral staircase and walking under the struts of the cathedral roof cavity (looking down on the top of the vaulted ceiling) to reach the bell tower.
This year, in addition to prayers, we heard Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem’ Christmas Bells’. In it, the poet reflects on how church bells, across the years, echo the unbroken song of the angels: ‘ Peace on earth, goodwill to men!’
In the penultimate verse, the poet laments,
‘And in despair I bowed my head: ‘there is no peace on earth’ I said;
“For hate is strong and mocks the song,
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!”’
At the beginning of 2025, we are all aware of heightened international tensions, wars, and conflicts both near and far.
His Holiness Pope Francis recently gave a beautiful and timely Thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4, gently urging us to seek the hope and kindness that are at the heart of the gospel.
Francis said: “We choose love and love makes our hearts fervent and hopeful. Those who love, even if they find themselves in uncertain situations, always view the world with a gentle gaze of hope.”
I love the idea that, in the face of wars and social injustice, we can choose not to be drawn towards pessimism and resignation but to deliberately practice love and kindness and retain hope.
Pope Francis has announced 2025 as a holy year of Jubilee with the powerful symbol of opening a door previously sealed up with bricks.
The final verse of Longfellow’s Christmas Bells poem reads:
‘Then pealed the bells more loud and deep;
“God is not dead, nor doth He sleep:
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men.”’
I hope that we can all face the New Year with hope and a renewed commitment to kindness and love, drawing strength from God’s eternally faithful love for the whole world and each of us.
I do wish you a happy New Year and every blessing of faith, hope and love in 2024.
The Very Revd Catherine Ogle
Dean of Winchester