Council’s rent survey for tenants set to close this weekend

The consultation, which is set to close on Sunday, January 12, will help decide the rent from April 2025.

Councillor Alan Hill, cabinet member for communities and islands, said: “The level of rent increase affects the income we have available to spend on managing, maintaining and investing in our housing stock.

“We are ambitious about our plans to improve the quality of tenants’ homes but we also know everyone is concerned about rising pressures in household costs.

“The thoughts of our tenants are very important and we encourage them to tell us what they think before any decision is taken.”

Two rent increase options have been proposed, both of which include investment in priority areas over the 30-year plan.

Option one would see an average rise of 3.84 per cent to maintain current investment levels.

However, option two would see an average rise of 4.84 per cent, which would enable additional funding to increase the council housing stock.

The responses received during the consultation will be taken into account by elected members before a decision is made early next year.

Tenants can still contribute to the consultation online by visiting and completing the short survey.

For those without internet access at home, the survey can be completed at local housing offices or libraries, or by calling their customer contact centre on 01294 310000 to complete it over the phone.

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