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The Plaza Cafe is situated next to Blackwood Bus Station
Caerphilly County Borough Council is looking for someone to manage the award-winning Plaza Café on Market Square, Blackwood.
The council announced its desire for an individual or a business to take over the running of the café via a community asset transfer.
The café is next to Blackwood Bus Station with an annual footfall of around 600,000, according to the council.
The café has a kitchen area, storage area, staff toilet, and seating area.
All viewings are strictly by appointment only. To arrange a viewing, contact Lisa Jennings on 01443 864102 or Lesley Thomas 01443 864094.
The deadline is Monday February 10. More details can be found on the council’s website.
Caerphilly County Borough Council incorrectly stated the café was available as part of a community asset transfer. This article has now been amended to use the correct terminology.
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