SWANMORE Methodist Church is planning “Eco Champs!”, a fun day for children aged four to 14 during the February Half Term holiday. Children are invited to come along and learn how to do their bit to help the planet and the environment. It will be held at the church on Wednesday, February 19, from 10.30am to 2.30pm, with the children able to make edible “mini beasts” and enjoy drama, games, and music with lunch. To book a place, email Mavisdaniels@talktalk.net – emails must provide details of any allergies that your children might have.
THE next meeting of the Meon Valley U3A will be held on January 7 at the Wickham Community Centre. The group will have the South East Police Cyber Crime Team talking about online and offline scams. This will be followed on January 21 by David Bailey discussing “Wildlife Wanders, the stories behind the images”. The Meon Valley U3A meets at the Wickham Community Centre on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 2pm during lecture season. Guests, who pay £2 to defray speaker costs, will be given a warm welcome with tea and biscuits provided after the talk.
SUSTAINABLE Waltham Chase and Swanmore is holding a workshop in the New Year exploring the production of community energy. The group will be hosting “Energise South Downs”, a non-profit group which supports projects to generate renewable power in the national park, at Swanmore Village Hall on Saturday, January 25, from 10am to 12.30pm. Attendees are invited to consider what is feasible in the area, and what would be acceptable to those who live locally. Tickets can be booked by visiting the Sustainable Waltham Chase and Swanmore website; refreshments will be provided.
SWANMORE Lunch Club is once again looking for volunteers. The club is looking for anyone who can spare a few hours once a month to enable to older people in the village to get together with their friends for a two-course lunch followed by tea/coffee. Anyone who can help with washing up and vegetable prep would be appreciated. Anyone who is interested in volunteering should contact Ann Warrington on ann.warrington@btinternet.com.
A MUSIC bonanza will take place at Bishop’s Waltham Social Club on February 22. Showcasing 80′ Synth classics, synth-pop and rock from across the decades from Ghost in the Machine, a “powerful” electronic duo. Beginning at 8pm, the concert will span three decades of music. For more information, or to book tickets, visit allevents.in.
JOIN Ady Smith, who has spent over 20 years installing boxes around Bishop’s Waltham to help increase the swift population, as she tells the story of the town’s swifts. Find out how Ady got involved with swifts, hear about the “highs” and lows of such an important project and find out what you can do to get involved. Tickets can be pre-booked or picked up on the door. A small donation is requested to cover hall hire with any surplus going to the trust. And remember that anyone under 25 is free: simply turn up on the night with proof of age. For more information or to book, visit hiwwt.org.uk.