Claines Primary School gets go-ahead for new SEND area

Claines CE Primary School is set to transform an underused part of the building into a dedicated space to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

The school had applied to Wychavon District Council for a certificate of lawfulness to see whether it could carry out the work without applying for full planning permission.

GREEN: How the new entrance to Claines Primary School will look (Image: Herlig Architecture)

Planners said the extension was allowed under permitted development rights and the proposal is “therefore lawful and does not require planning permission”.

To make room for its new SEND area, the school’s current office will be moved.

The current lobby and visitor entrance will become part of the SEND area, which will feature two classrooms and a sensory room.

In plans submitted to Wychavon District Council, the school said it “is in need of a dedicated SEND Group Room to support students with SEND”.

Funding for the scheme is coming from Section 106 developer money, as a result of a housing development built near the school – and plans show that Worcestershire County Council is in support of the funds being used for this purpose.

READ MORE: Claines Primary School unveils plan for new SEND area

READ MORE: Nunnery Wood school can go ahead with entrance revamp

“There currently exists an underused area of the school that is ideal to accommodate the SEND provision,” the plans state.

“This area is near the existing accessible WC and is occupied by the administration office, various stores and photocopy room.

“Newly assigned SEND rooms will be redecorated and interconnecting solid doors will be replaced with new doors to include vision panels for monitoring and safety.

“Access/egress points to the SEND provision will be compliant with the Equality Act to enable ease of movement for a user with mobility issues.

“Where the current visitor entrance exists, this lobby will become a small SEND room.

“For privacy the external door will be replaced with a new glazed door with diffused film.”

North Claines councillor Daniel Birch said he fully supported the project, adding: “The extension will provide the school with the additional facilities it needs.”

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