Breast Cancer UK: Hampshire man raises £15k on Italy ride

Glenn Julius started training for the charity ride in February with his friend and personal trainer, Justin Glasspool, a boxing coach.

The pair cycled the roads and hills of the New Forest, close to Glenn’s home.

Glenn said: “We trained hard until we flew out to Rome. But knew it was going to be hot: anything beyond noon was impossible to ride because it was hitting 40 degrees.

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The pair left each day at first light before the heat set in (Image: Breast Cancer UK) “So, we left each day at first light, which was four or five o’clock in the morning.”

Glenn said that there wasn’t any doubt about completing the 700 miles.

The 66-year-old continued: “We just thought about getting through the day, including all those steep inclines. A friend commiserated with us as she’d been cycling the hills in Devon. I answered that was nothing… the hills in Italy were mountains.”

The pair had two support drivers: Simon Brooker for the Italy leg and Rob Smuth for the Sicily leg.

Glenn described them both as big characters, motivational, sport-minded and very supportive.

He said: “Their support helped us a lot and we enjoyed the journey.

“The Italian people are lovely. They love cyclists, but Italian drivers are bonkers.”

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Glenn trained with friend and personal trainer Justin Glasspool (Image: Breast Cancer UK) Glenn is the CEO at Onyx Events, and it was the company’s first apprentice, Roscoe Morris, taken on in February, who created the entire route.

He said: “That was quite a big thing, really. Obviously, he had my encouragement and direction, but he did it really well.”

Glenn said the ride’s sole purpose was to raise funds and promote awareness of preventing breast cancer through BCUK, a cause close to his heart.

He said: “My wife, Bryony, and my daughter, Lilly Stone, both have the BRCA2 gene, and both have had a double mastectomy with a reconstruction.”

Glenn said he was “beyond humbled” by the number of people who followed him and helped raise thousands of pounds. I’m very proud and will keep sharing our experiences and family journey, promoting prevention. If you keep an eye on your body and listen to it, you’ve got a far better chance of seeing this thing coming around the corner.”

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