Children and families will have on-demand access to a therapeutic mobile game, Lumi Nova, which can ease childhood anxiety.
The NICE-recommended immersive game combines cognitive behavioural therapy with ethical and immersive gaming delivered via a mobile app.
It acts as a first-line treatment option to support anxiety in children before interventions like therapy are considered or whilst they wait for other support.
Families in the counties can access the intervention without the need for a prescription or referral via Lumi Nova’s digital self-referral hub.
Manjul Rathee, founder and CEO of BFB Labs, the social enterprise behind Lumi Nova, said: “We are delighted to work with NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire to offer Lumi Nova to children and families across the two counties.
“This allows us to provide age-appropriate, non-stigmatising support for everyday worries and anxiety, without families having to wait.”
According to BFB Labs figures from September last year, 60 per cent of children who used Lumi Nova as a first-line intervention did not require further support after using it.
Sonja Upton, associate director for children, young people and families and specialist primary care at Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, said: “Improving the emotional wellbeing of children and young people in Herefordshire and Worcestershire is a key priority for us and our partners in the local authority, education, community and voluntary organisations.
“We are excited to be able to offer this innovative intervention to children in our area.
“We know many children will benefit from having quick access to an online platform that helps them manage and reduce worries and anxieties in order to enjoy their life to the full.”
She added: “By introducing Lumi Nova as one way for young people to better understand how they are feeling and practise ways of managing their worries, we can offer an early intervention that could prevent issues from escalating.”
To find out more about how Lumi Nova visit:
The app is available on Android and iOS (with support for older, low-cost devices, to ensure all families are able to access the app).