Allendale’s historic Tar Bar’ls Festival has been held for more than 160 years on New Year’s Eve.
It attracts hundreds of visitors to the town which is lit up with a fiery spectacle.
In the customary tradition, the group of ‘guisers’, 45 local men, carry whiskey barrels filled with burning hot tar through a procession, wearing fancy dress with their faces blackened by soot.
It occurs in all weather, regardless of wind, snow or rain.
The guisers parade around the Market Square carrying flaming barrels, while hundreds of spectators look on.
Barrels are filled with sticks and wood shavings on a bed of sawdust, to prevent the paraffin from leaking out.
At 11.30pm, the torches are lit and the barrels ignited.
Each guiser lifts the flaming barrels on to the top of their heads and falls in behind the band.
At midnight, they arrive at the pre-built bonfire in the town centre.
The barrels are then used to ignite this ceremonial bonfire, while everyone shouts: “Be damned to he who throws last.”
The New Year’s Eve Ceilidh will also take place at Allendale Village Hall.
The Allen Valleys Folk Festival, which organises the ceilidh, said: “New to this year is some sensational Allen Valleys Folk Festival merchandise in the form of merino wool beanies, AVFF mugs and tea towels, that can be bought by those with tickets at the village hall.”