Advice on cutting energy bills available in North Ayrshire

An estimated 93.5 per cent of households in the area can now access free impartial advice, online or over the phone, from a team of experts at the Energywise service.

Delivered by energy experts Energy Saving Trust and funded by SP Energy Networks, Energywise will help householders identify the best low carbon solutions, such as solar panels or a heat pump, to suit their home, budget and goals.

People using the service will receive a comprehensive costed improvement plan, outlining next steps and the option of a free follow up conversation with an expert advisor.

The free service also offers help to find funding and certified installers, making it easier to get the work done.

With energy prices continuing to climb, and the need to cut domestic carbon emissions to curb the climate emergency, SP Energy Networks is the latest energy distributor to commission Energy Saving Trust to set up support services for the public to encourage action.

Laura McGadie, operations director at Energy Saving Trust, said: “It’s exciting to be offering this bespoke service to help people choose what’s best for their homes when it comes to low carbon technology.

“Improving public awareness and understanding of things like heat pumps is a really vital part of the shift we need to make to a net zero society.

“We know people are willing to make changes, they just want a bit of guidance on where to start, so Energywise is there to help them plan and go on to take positive action.”

To get a free personalised home improvement plan visit

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