On New Year’s Eve, the north west was hit with heavy rainfall, which has led to homes across Warrington being flooded.
So far, more than 80 homes have been evacuated, and 140 people and 35 pets have been rescued.
Warrington Borough Council has shared advice for residents who may be affected by flooding.
The advice includes familiarising yourself with the isolation points for water, gas and electricity, putting important documents in a safe place and keeping a list of important numbers, including insurance companies and the emergency services.
For those experiencing flooding, the council has advised residents to take valuable items, electricals and pets upstairs. Electrical items should also be disconnected.
Any furniture that can’t be moved should be raised or weighed down to stop it floating or causing damage.
More than 80 homes have been evacuated across Warrington so far (Image: D-GILLESPIE)
Curtains should be taken down or wrapped around the curtain pole, and plugs should be put in sinks and weighed down to prevent backflow.
“Speak to your home insurer about arrangements,” a spokesperson said.
“Your insurer should be able to provide advice, support and guidance about the next steps.
“Speak to your landlord if you are a tenant at a rented or social housing property.”
The Facebook post also shared that the National Food Forum can also offer support if residents call 01299 403055.
Guidance can be found on the Gov.uk website about how to recover from flooding, and a support scheme page with information on how to apply for support can be found here.
For those needing to contact the Warrington Borough Council flood response line, call 443322 or click here for more information.
Residents can also contact Floodline on 0845 988 1188 for advice on the risk of flooding.